Everything You Need to Know About Video Testimonials

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How to Solicit and Publish Video Testimonials

Why Video Testimonials Are Awesome

Video testimonials are one of the most powerful marketing tools available to businesses. They combine the authenticity of a customer review with the emotional impact of visual storytelling.

When potential customers see real people talking about their positive experiences, it builds trust and credibility instantly.

Video testimonials also allow customers to express emotions like enthusiasm and satisfaction, which are much harder to convey through text alone.

Plus, video content is highly engaging and shareable, making it perfect for social media, websites, and email campaigns.

In short, video testimonials provide compelling social proof that drives conversions and strengthens your brand’s reputation, credibility, and trust.

Below is a step-by-step guide to help small business owners effectively solicit video testimonials from their customers and get them posted on their websites.

Table of Contents:

How to Get Video Testimonials

How to Help Your Customers Record and Send a Testimonial

Low-Fi vs. Highly-Produced Video Testimonials

Simple Free Tools for Editing and Converting Video Testimonials

The Fine Print: Permissions and Legal Considerations

Bonus: Video Testimonials as an SEO Strategy

How to Get Video Testimonials

Step 1: Identify Happy Customers

Review Positive Feedback: Start by identifying customers who have already shared positive feedback or reviews via email, social media, or other channels.

Look for Repeat Customers: Customers who regularly use your products or services are ideal candidates since they likely have a deep appreciation for your business.

Step 2: Craft a Personal Request

Make it Personal: Reach out individually, using their name, and mention specific details about their experience that you’re grateful for.

Be Authentic: Customers are more likely to agree to a video testimonial if they feel a genuine connection with your brand.

Explain the Benefit: Let them know their testimonial will help other customers make informed decisions and support a business they love.

Example Request:

“Hi [Customer Name], we’re so thrilled that you enjoyed working with us! We would love for you to share your experience by recording a short video testimonial. It would mean the world to us, and it will help other small business owners find the same value you did.”

Step 3: Simplify the Process

Provide Clear Instructions: Make the process as easy as possible for the customer. Offer specific instructions on how to record the video.

Offer Recording Options: Some customers may feel uncomfortable recording a video on their own. Offer alternatives, like scheduling a Zoom call where you can ask questions and record the testimonial live.

Use a Script Template: Provide a loose script or some prompts to guide them on what to say. This ensures the testimonial is structured but still feels natural.

Example Script Prompts:

  1. What challenge were you facing before using our product/service?
  2. How has our product/service helped you?
  3. What specific results have you seen since using our product/service?
  4. Would you recommend our business to others, and if so, why?

Step 4: Choose the Right Timing

Ask at the Right Moment: Timing is everything. Ask for a testimonial right after a successful project or when the customer is most satisfied with your service. Catching them when they’re enthusiastic will produce a more authentic testimonial.

Follow Up With Past Clients: If you delivered great results a while ago and didn’t ask for a testimonial, send a follow-up email to re-engage. Your scripts or prompts should be worded a little differently in these cases.

Step 5: Offer Incentives

Provide a Reward: You can offer a small token of appreciation, such as a discount on future services, a gift card, or exclusive access to private or gated content.

Highlight the Benefits: Emphasize that by providing a testimonial, they are contributing to the success of a local business. Many customers appreciate the feeling of helping a small business thrive.

Step 6: Ensure Professional Quality

Give Technical Tips: Offer simple advice to ensure their video is of good quality. Tips might include:

  • Shoot in a quiet location with minimal background noise.
  • Use natural lighting or good lighting from the front, not from behind.
  • Hold the camera steady or use a tripod.

Edit the Video: Offer to edit the testimonial for them. This can take the pressure off the customer to deliver a “perfect” recording. Let them know you’ll edit out any awkward moments to make the testimonial shine.

Step 7: Create a Comfortable Environment

Make it Fun: If they’re doing the testimonial in person or over video chat, make it a comfortable, casual experience. Keep the tone light and positive.

Reassure Them: If they feel nervous, reassure them that it doesn’t need to be perfect. Authenticity matters more than polish, and their honest feedback is what counts.

Step 8: Give Specific Examples

Showcase Examples: Provide them with links to other video testimonials you’ve collected to give them a better idea of what you’re looking for. This will also inspire them to create something similar.

Mention Time: Let them know the ideal length for a testimonial is typically 30-90 seconds. This helps avoid overly long or rambling responses.

Step 9: Follow Up and Thank Them

Show Gratitude: After receiving the testimonial, follow up with a sincere thank you. Let them know how much you appreciate their time and effort.

Send a Gift: If you offered an incentive, make sure it’s delivered promptly.

Step 10: Showcase the Testimonial

Share it Widely: Once the video is ready, feature it prominently on your website, social media, and other marketing materials. Make sure the customer sees the final product so they know how their testimonial is being used.

Tag Them: If they’re comfortable with it, tag them on social media to further the reach of the testimonial.

Step 11: Create a System for Future Testimonials

Automate the Process: Develop an ongoing process for collecting testimonials regularly. For example, you can include a testimonial request in follow-up emails sent after a successful project or sale.

Regularly Update: Keep your testimonials fresh by reaching out to new customers regularly. A wide range of voices and stories will add credibility to your business.

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How to Help Your Clients Record a Testimonial

Providing a video testimonial can seem intimidating to your client or customer at first, but with this simple guide, you can help your customers easily record and send their video testimonials to your business.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to make the process as smooth as possible:

1. Choose Your Device

Smartphone: Most smartphones today have excellent video recording capabilities. Ensure your phone has enough storage and that the camera app is working.

Laptop/Computer with Webcam: If you prefer using a laptop or computer, make sure your webcam is functioning properly and offers clear video quality.

Tablet: You can also use a tablet for recording. Just follow the same instructions for a smartphone.

2. Find a Quiet, Well-Lit Location

Quiet Environment: Choose a space with minimal background noise. Avoid loud places like busy streets, construction zones, or rooms with noisy appliances.

Good Lighting: Natural light from a window is ideal, but any soft lighting from the front (not from behind) will work. Avoid sitting with a window or bright light source behind you, as this will create a shadow effect.

Background: A clean, uncluttered background works best. If possible, choose a background that reflects your environment or is neutral to keep the focus on you.

3. Position Your Camera Properly

Steady the Camera: Hold the camera at eye-level to create a more professional-looking video. You can prop up your smartphone or use a phone stand.

Frame the Shot: Make sure your head and shoulders are visible and centered in the frame. Leave some space above your head and avoid cutting off any part of your face.

4. Record Your Testimonial

Open the Camera App: On your smartphone, tablet, or computer, open the camera app. Switch to video mode if necessary.

Look Directly at the Camera: Speak as if you’re talking to a friend or the business owner. Keeping eye contact with the camera will make the video more engaging and personal.

Use the Prompts: Follow any prompts or script suggestions provided by the business. Remember to:

  1. Introduce yourself (optional).
  2. Share the problem you were facing.
  3. Explain how the product or service helped you.
  4. Highlight any specific results or benefits.
  5. Mention whether you’d recommend the business and why.

Tip: Keep it short and sweet—ideally 30 to 90 seconds.

5. Review and Edit (Optional)

Watch the Recording: After recording, play the video back to ensure the sound and lighting are good. Make sure you’re happy with what you’ve said.

Do a Retake if Necessary: Don’t hesitate to record multiple takes if you’re not satisfied with the first one. Aim for authenticity, so it doesn’t need to be perfect!

Trim the Video (Optional): If your device allows it, you can trim the beginning or end of the video to remove any pauses or awkward moments.

6. Save the Video

Check the File Size: Most video files recorded on a smartphone are between 50MB-200MB for a minute of footage. If your file is larger, consider compressing it or sending it via a cloud service (steps below).

Save in a Common Format: Ensure the video is saved in a widely-used format, such as an MP4.

7. Send the Video

Depending on the file size and the method the business prefers, there are several easy ways to send your video.

Method 1: Email (not recommended, but you can give it a try)

Attach to an Email: If the video file is small enough (under 20MB), you might be able to attach it directly to an email.

Email Message: Include a brief message in the email and send it to the business. In the email, ask for a confirmation to make sure the video was received.

Method 2: Cloud Storage Services

For larger files, cloud storage services are a great option. Upload the video and share the link.

Google Drive

  1. Open Google Drive and click “New” → “File Upload.”
  2. Once uploaded, right-click the video and click “Get Link.”
  3. Choose “Anyone with the link can view” and copy the link.
  4. Paste the link into an email and send it to the business.


  1. Open Dropbox and click “Upload” → “Files.”
  2. After the video uploads, click “Share” and create a link.
  3. Copy the link and share it via email.


  1. Upload the video and click “Share.”
  2. Select “Anyone with this link can view.”
  3. Send the link via email to the business.

Method 3: Messaging Apps

WhatsApp: You can send the video through WhatsApp if the business uses the app.

  1. Open WhatsApp and select the business contact.
  2. Click on the paperclip icon (attachment) and choose “Gallery.”
  3. Select the video and click send.

Facebook Messenger: If the business is on Facebook, you can send the video through Messenger.

  1. Open Messenger and find the business.
  2. Tap the camera icon and select your video.
  3. Send the message.

Method 4: File Transfer Services

WeTransfer: Use a free service like WeTransfer for large video files.

  1. Go to wetransfer.com.
  2. Upload your video file (up to 2GB for free).
  3. Enter the business’s email address and click “Transfer.”
  4. You’ll receive a confirmation email once the file is sent.

8. Confirm the Business Received it

Follow Up: Once you’ve sent the video, follow up with a quick message or email to ensure the business received it and that everything worked correctly.

Low-Fi vs. Highly-Produced Video Testimonials

When soliciting video testimonials, one important decision small business owners need to make is whether to go for low-fi (low production quality) or highly-produced video testimonials. Both approaches have their benefits, and the right choice depends on your business goals, brand identity, and available resources.

Here’s a comparison to help you decide which style works best for your business:

Low-Fi Video Testimonials

Low-fi testimonials are typically recorded with a smartphone, laptop webcam, or a customer’s device without professional lighting, sound, or editing. They are raw, unpolished, and often reflect a more personal and authentic feel.

Benefits of Low-Fi Testimonials

Authenticity: Low-fi testimonials feel more genuine and candid because they capture the real, unscripted thoughts of the customer. Viewers often trust these videos more as they come across as relatable and believable.

Quick and Easy to Produce: Customers can record low-fi testimonials at home or at your business with minimal effort. There’s no need for expensive equipment or professional video editing.

Cost-Effective: Since low-fi videos don’t require a production team, they are much cheaper to create. You can gather multiple testimonials quickly without breaking the bank.

Fits Casual or Small Brands: If your business has a relaxed, approachable brand identity, low-fi testimonials can enhance that image by making customers feel like they are part of your community.

When to Choose Low-Fi Testimonials

For Small or Local Businesses: Small businesses with limited budgets or those that rely on personal customer relationships often benefit from low-fi testimonials. It’s a great way to connect with potential customers on a human level.

For Time-Sensitive Campaigns: If you need to collect testimonials quickly—perhaps for a promotion, product launch, or urgent marketing campaign—low-fi testimonials allow you to get real feedback fast.

When Authenticity is Key: If you want to emphasize customer honesty and create testimonials that feel “real,” low-fi is the way to go.

Challenges of Low-Fi Testimonials

Lower Production Value: Poor lighting, background noise, or shaky camera work can reduce the visual quality, making the video less engaging.

Less Polished: If done incorrectly, low-fi videos can come off as amateurish or unprofessional, which may not align with certain brands.

Highly-Produced Video Testimonials

Highly-produced testimonials are recorded with professional-grade cameras, lighting, sound, and editing. They typically involve a well-structured script or guided interview and are edited to achieve a polished, high-quality result.

Benefits of Highly-Produced Testimonials

Professional Appearance: Highly-produced videos reflect a level of professionalism and polish that can enhance your brand’s credibility. They feel carefully crafted and well-thought-out.

Controlled Messaging: You have more control over the content, ensuring that key messages, brand visuals, and tone are consistent with your overall marketing strategy.

More Impactful: With the right editing, music, and visuals, highly-produced testimonials can be more emotionally impactful. You can craft the story in a way that makes it more memorable.

When to Choose Highly-Produced Testimonials

Great for Established Brands: Businesses with a strong reputation or higher price points can benefit from the professionalism and polish of highly-produced videos, helping them stand out and maintain brand perception.

For Premium or High-Ticket Products/Services: If your business sells high-ticket items or premium services, a well-produced testimonial may reflect the quality and attention to detail that your customers expect.

For Long-Term Marketing Use: If you plan to use the testimonials in large-scale marketing campaigns (e.g., Facebook ads, your website’s homepage, presentations), a polished video can increase the perceived value and reach a broader audience.

For Building Trust with New Audiences: When trying to reach a new audience or market, a highly-produced testimonial can instantly communicate professionalism and expertise, which is crucial in building trust.

Challenges of Highly-Produced Testimonials

Higher Costs: Producing a high-quality video testimonial requires a professional crew, equipment, and post-production, which can be costly.

Time-Consuming: Scheduling a shoot, guiding the customer through the process, and editing the video can take much longer than a low-fi approach.

Risk of Seeming Overly Polished: In some cases, a highly-produced testimonial can seem rehearsed or less genuine, especially if the customer appears too scripted.

How to Choose Between Low-Fi and Highly-Produced Testimonials

Here are some factors to consider when deciding which style suits your business:


  • Low-Fi: If you have a limited budget, low-fi testimonials are a great way to get started without the need for expensive video production.
  • Highly-Produced: If you have the budget for it and are aiming for a more polished brand image, highly-produced videos can be a worthwhile investment.

Brand Identity

  • Low-Fi: Works best for small, local, or community-focused brands that want to emphasize personal connections, authenticity, and relatability.
  • Highly-Produced: Ideal for more established businesses that are known for professionalism, luxury, or high-end services. It reinforces the idea that your business is polished and high-quality.

Audience Perception

  • Low-Fi: If your audience values authenticity over perfection, they will likely connect more with low-fi videos that feel real and unscripted.
  • Highly-Produced: If your audience expects professionalism and polish, especially in fields like law, consulting, or luxury services, a highly-produced testimonial will reflect that expectation.

Campaign Goals

  • Low-Fi: Use low-fi testimonials for social media posts, quick promotions, or when authenticity is key to winning trust.
  • Highly-Produced: Use highly-produced testimonials for larger campaigns, ads, or homepage content where first impressions and high-impact storytelling are crucial.

Time Constraints

  • Low-Fi: If you need a testimonial quickly for an upcoming launch or promotion, low-fi allows you to gather and share content fast.
  • Highly-Produced: If you have time to plan a well-structured video campaign, highly-produced videos offer more polish and storytelling potential.

Hybrid Approach: Mix Both Styles

You don’t have to choose just one! Many businesses benefit from using a hybrid approach, where they collect a mix of low-fi and highly-produced testimonials. For example:

Use low-fi testimonials on social media for regular, authentic customer feedback.

Use highly-produced testimonials on your website and in paid advertising campaigns to create a polished, professional impression.

Simple Free Tools for Editing and Converting Video Testimonials

Once you’ve collected video testimonials from your customers, you may need to make minor edits or convert the video format before using them in your marketing.

Here’s a list of easy-to-use, free tools for small business owners:

Video Editing Tools

These tools allow you to trim, cut, and adjust video testimonials for polish and professionalism.

iMovie (Mac/iPhone): iMovie is a built-in app for Mac and iOS users that allows you to trim videos, add transitions, and improve audio quality with minimal effort. It’s user-friendly and perfect for basic edits.

Windows Video Editor (Windows): Windows users can use the built-in Windows Video Editor, which allows simple edits like trimming, cropping, and adding text or music to videos.

Clipchamp (Web-Based): This browser-based tool offers basic editing features like trimming, cropping, and adding effects. It’s accessible from any device and offers a free tier with easy export options.

Lightworks (Windows/Mac/Linux): Lightworks is a more advanced video editing tool with a free version that allows trimming, cropping, and adding text or transitions. It’s a great option if you need more professional features.

InShot (Mobile): If you prefer editing on your smartphone, InShot is a simple mobile app that lets you cut, trim, and adjust the video. It also lets you add music, text, or even simple filters for a more polished look.

Video Conversion Tools

If the video you received is in a format that doesn’t work with your website or social media platform, these tools can help you convert it into a usable format, like MP4.

HandBrake (Windows/Mac/Linux): HandBrake is a free, open-source video converter that allows you to change video formats easily. You can convert testimonials to MP4, MOV, or any other required format.

CloudConvert (Web-Based): This online tool supports various video formats, including MP4, AVI, MOV, and more. Simply upload the video, choose the desired format, and download the converted file.

Convertio (Web-Based): Another web-based tool, Convertio, allows quick video format changes. You can upload your video and convert it to MP4 or any other format for free, with a maximum file size of 100MB.

Adding Captions

Captions improve accessibility and SEO.

These free tools can add captions to your videos:

Kapwing: Kapwing offers a free tool that automatically generates captions for your video. You can also edit the captions before exporting.

VEED.io: VEED has a free auto-captioning feature that can be edited for accuracy. You can easily embed the captions in the video for better reach on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

When collecting and using video testimonials, it’s essential to have clear permissions from your customers to avoid any legal issues.

Here’s what small business owners need to know:

Get Explicit Permission

Written Consent: Always ask for written consent before using a customer’s video testimonial. This can be done via email, a simple form, or an agreement that clarifies how you intend to use the video.

What to Include in the Permission:

  • A statement confirming that the customer agrees to be recorded and that you have their permission to use their likeness, voice, and testimonial for marketing purposes.
  • Information on where the video will be used (e.g., website, social media, advertising).
  • A clause stating that the customer waives the right to any compensation for the video.

Example Consent Email/Agreement:

“By providing this video testimonial, you grant [Your Business Name] the rights to use your likeness, voice, and statements in video or written form for marketing and promotional purposes, including on our website, social media platforms, and other advertising channels. You acknowledge that you will not receive any financial compensation for the use of your testimonial.”

Review Legalities

Copyright: Ensure that the video testimonial does not include any copyrighted material, such as background music or images, that could result in legal issues.

Privacy: If your customer shares sensitive information (e.g., financial details, personal stories) in their testimonial, be sure to edit out any private details before using the video. You are responsible for protecting their privacy.

Child Testimonials: If a testimonial involves minors, you must obtain parental or guardian consent.

Right to Withdraw

Provide a Way to Opt-Out: Include a clause in your agreement that allows customers to revoke their permission if they ever wish to have their video testimonial removed. This can be done by contacting you directly.

Example Opt-Out Clause:

“You may withdraw your consent to the use of your video testimonial at any time by notifying us at [contact information]. Upon receiving your request, we will remove your testimonial from our marketing materials within a reasonable time frame.”

Comply with Platform Guidelines

Check Platform Policies: Platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram have their own rules regarding testimonials. Ensure that your videos comply with their terms of service, especially if you plan to use paid advertisements featuring testimonials.

By following these guidelines, you can confidently collect and use customer video testimonials while ensuring you’re legally protected.

BONUS: Video Testimonials as an SEO Strategy

Uploading video testimonials to your business’s YouTube channel not only boosts your credibility but also helps with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). YouTube is the second-largest search engine after Google, and video content can significantly improve your online presence.

Here’s how to optimize your video testimonials to leverage SEO:

Naming the Video Files for SEO

Use Descriptive, Keyword-Rich File Names: Before uploading the video, rename the file incorporating descriptive keyword phrases. YouTube uses file names to understand the content of the video, so including relevant keywords can help. (Don’t overdo this.)


Instead of “VID_1234.mp4,” use “Phoenix-Web-Design-Testimonial-JohnDoe.mp4.”

Include location-based keywords (e.g., “Arizona”) and business-specific keywords (e.g., “SEO services” or “local marketing”).

Optimize Titles for Search

Include Relevant Keywords: Use keywords that potential customers are searching for when naming your video. Aim to make the title both clear and engaging. This will improve the likelihood of the video appearing in YouTube and Google search results.

Keep it Concise: Ideally, keep the title under 60 characters so it doesn’t get cut off in search results.

Example Titles:

“Phoenix SEO Services Testimonial: How [Business Name] Helped My Company Grow”

“John’s Experience with Arizona Website Design from [Your Business Name]”

Write SEO-Optimized Descriptions

Use the First 150 Characters Wisely: The first 150 characters of your YouTube video description are crucial for SEO because they appear in search previews. Include your most important keywords and a brief summary of the video’s content.

Include Links: Add a link to your website, landing page, or blog in the description to drive traffic back to your site.

Use Keywords Naturally: Write a 2-3 sentence description about the video and naturally include target keywords (e.g., “Phoenix web design,” “SEO services for small businesses,” etc.).

Example Description:

“In this testimonial, John shares his experience working with [Your Business Name] for web design and SEO services in Phoenix, Arizona. He explains how our SEO strategies helped his small business grow online and attract new customers. Want to improve your business’s online presence? Visit [yourwebsite.com] to learn more about our digital marketing services.”

Use Tags Effectively

Add Relevant Tags: Tags help YouTube understand the content and context of your video. Use tags related to your business, location, industry, and services.

Examples of Tags:

#webdesign #phoenixseo #webdevelopment #marketing #webdesigner #digitalmarketing

Create Playlists for Organization and SEO

Group Testimonials in a Playlist: Create a dedicated playlist for all your video testimonials. This makes it easier for potential customers to watch multiple reviews in one sitting, increasing your watch time and improving SEO.

Playlist Optimization: Include keywords in the playlist title and description. For example, create playlists like “Client Testimonials for Web Design in Arizona” or “Small Business SEO Success Stories.”

Internal Linking: YouTube prioritizes videos that link to one another. By having testimonials in a playlist, viewers are more likely to watch one after another, improving your video’s engagement metrics.

Create Engaging Thumbnails

Custom Thumbnails: Eye-catching, custom thumbnails can increase the click-through rate on your videos. Use high-quality images with text overlays that highlight key points in the video.

Consistent Branding: Use your brand’s colors, logo, and consistent design in your thumbnails to make your YouTube channel look professional.

Encourage Comments and Engagement

Ask Viewers to Comment: At the end of the video description, ask viewers to subscribe, comment or share their thoughts. The more engagement (likes, comments, shares) your video gets, the higher YouTube will rank it.

Respond to Comments: Interact with your audience by responding to comments and questions. This builds a community around your content and improves your SEO.

Embed the Video on Your Website

Increase Video Views: Embedding your video testimonials directly on your website increases the view count and helps with SEO on both your site and YouTube. Place the video on high-traffic pages like your homepage, product/service pages, and dedicated testimonial sections.

Improve Dwell Time: Videos increase the amount of time users spend on your website, which signals to search engines that your content is engaging and relevant.

Embed Strategically: Ensure that the embedded video is easy to find and relevant to the content on the page. For example, a testimonial about your web design services should be embedded on your “Web Design” page and closer to the top of the page is ideal.

Share on Social Media and Email Campaigns

Cross-Promote: Share the YouTube link across your social media channels and email newsletters. Not only does this increase views, but it also helps with SEO as social signals can boost search rankings.

Link Back to Your Website: When sharing on social media or email, always include a link back to the relevant page on your website for maximum traffic.

Monitor Analytics

YouTube Analytics: Keep an eye on your video’s performance in YouTube’s analytics dashboard. Look at metrics like watch time, average view duration, and audience retention to understand how well your video is performing and how you can improve future videos.

Google Search Console: Use Google Search Console to track how the video testimonial is impacting your website’s overall SEO performance.

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