Is your website ready for traffic?

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Is your website ready for traffic?

Answer these 10 questions to find out:

1) Is it fast?
⇒ Slow websites increase bounce rate.

2) Is it clear?
⇒ Do your visitors know:

  • What you do?
  • How you can make their lives better?
  • What they have to do to get it?
  • If you are trustworthy?

3) Is it proven?
⇒ Has your website already demonstrated that it can convert visitors to customers?

4) Is it compliant?
⇒ ADA-compliant websites reduce bounce rate.

5) Is your ICP dialed in?
⇒ Make sure your website speaks to your ideal client or customer.

6) Is it responsive?
⇒ Mobile devices are responsible for 59% of all website traffic.

7) Are there clear Calls-to-Action?
⇒ Make sure your desired “next” actions are clearly defined.

8) Is it professionally designed to today’s standards?
Make sure your website is presenting you as an authority.

9) Is it set up to collect emails from visitors?
Lead magnets and list-building activities cultivate a warm audience, resulting in a lucrative communication channel.

10) Is it connected to Google properties?
⇒ Make sure Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and your Google Business Profile are set up, connected and optimized.

Hiring a Phoenix SEO company to drive traffic to your website doesn’t make any sense if your website isn’t ready to convert. It is a waste of your marketing dollar.

Get a Snapshot Report and SEO Audit for your local website. It's FREE!


Why choose Accelerated Web Systems for your SEO?

✔️ We believe in nuance, alignment, and consistent, relentless work. You are not just a number with us.

✔️ We dive deep into your unique business proposition, your ideal client persona, and your revenue goals.

✔️ We evaluate your current situation in the search engines from many angles to establish a benchmark before we start. Keywords, competition, reviews, Google properties, website speed, and website conversion rates all play a part in a successful SEO campaign.

✔️ We research, strategize, plan, and execute for short and long-term success.

✔️ You can count on our SEO services being comprehensive, clever, creative, and competitive.

✔️ We have been doing SEO for over 17 years and know what it takes to rank!

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